London Underground - Lomo 800

A visit to London wouldn't be complete without spending some time underground. Personally, I love photographing and documenting the different Underground stations. I think they have their very own charm and each station is unique. Some of these stations are massive, and you could spend hours there finding nice compositions and details.

I took these photos with my trusted Nikon F80 and a Nikon 50 mm lens. I used Lomography Colour Negative 800 film. Metered at ISO 800 and developed regularly.

One of my favourite things to photograph underground are the entries and exists of the station. Especially on a bright and sunny day, the harsh light shining down the stairs can look remarkable!

I also decided to shoot a bit of Medium Format Lomo 800 with my Rolleicord V.

Please let me know if you have any questions! I hope you liked these results. :-)
